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Songs on MPDB
508 added
Gigs on MPDB
1209 added
Songs played live
Songs played on tour 2002
Songs from releases played on tour 2002
- It’s A Love Cult218
- Phanerothyme130
- Trust Us106
- Blissard92
- Let them eat Cake86
- Angels and Daemons at Play65
- Other54
- Timothy’s Monster50
- Demon Box47
- In the Fishtank 1030
- Serpentine26
- Roadwork vol 1 Heavy Metall iz a poze, hardt rock iz a laifschteil25
- Lobotomizer24
- Heavy Metal Fruit17
- Ozone14
- Maiden Voyage5
- Barracuda5
- Roadwork Vol. 4: Intrepid Skronk2
- Another Ugly EP1
Cover played on tour 2002
Average setlist of 2002
This setlist is generated from the most played songs of year 2002.